Onion: 4-5 (According to baigan size)
Tomotoes Big: 3
Green peas: 15-20
Green chillies, Ginger, Coriander
Apply Sunflower oil on Baigan and toast it on gas.
Once it is done, Wash it off to remove skin.
Mash it very finley without any lumps
Onion, tomoto, Green chilly - Cut into fine pieces
Ginger - Grate it
In the pan, Heat oil(Enough amount of oil should be there)
Add Cumin seeds, then Onion + Green chilly + Add salt also => Fry it till onion get fried well
Then add Green peas, later add Ginger+Tomoto => fry it well
Once it is fried, Add Red chilli powder(2 Spoon), Dhania(4 table Spoon) and Haldi Powder
Now add the baigan and let it cooked well
At the end, add little garam masala when it is completely ready. Finally garnish with coriander leaves
Should not add water at all in this recipe. If it becomes sticky after sometime, add hot oil *NOT* Water
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